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  Daycare service provided at The Complete Canine Center is supervised by an educated and experienced staff to ensure the safety and happiness of all canines within the facility. Attending daycare, even just once or twice a week, can allow an outlet for your pets boundless energy and help limit the risk of inappropriate and sometimes destructive behaviors. Our playgroups are structured according to size, energy level and play style.

  Daycare service provided at The Complete Canine Center is supervised by an educated and experienced staff to ensure the safety and happiness of all canines within the facility. Attending daycare, even just once or twice a week, can allow an outlet for your pets boundless energy and help limit the risk of inappropriate and sometimes destructive behaviors. Our playgroups are structured according to size, energy level and play style.

  To minimize the risk of injury to both canine and human members, we ask that each daycare attendee schedules a Meet & Greet before attending daycare.  This informal meeting will allow us to get to know your pet and vice versa.  We do caution that daycare is not for every dog and is not a one size fits all solution for behavioral issues.

Full Day

Full Day




Package Options

5 Day 


10 Day 


20 Day 



7:00 to 9:30 AM

3:30 to 6:00 PM


7:00 to 9:30 AM

3:30 to 6:00 PM

Package options and pre-purchased days expire 3 months from date of purchase. Packages may not be used towards Saturday daycare, or boarding stays.

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